Friday, May 17, 2013

The Big 3-0

I turned the big 3-0 on April 23.  I video taped Lane singing to me last year and then again this year.  It's amazing how much he's grown and how well he speaks now!  He was a great talker then, but can articulate so well now!

Last Year--Age 2 years 1 1/2 months:

This Year--Age 3 years 1/12 months:

So, so cute!

I was still in Mansfield that morning, so we had a quick visit with Evin and Kori before we left to drive back to Austin.  Aren't these two adorable?!


That night, after we got back in town, we went out to dinner to celebrate.  I chose one of my favorite Mexican food restaurants, Lupe Tortilla.  Here's a (bad) family picture, but it at least documents the moment!

 Me and my boy--sporting the most awkward smile of his life!  Haha!

We took some much better pictures once we got home from dinner!  This is the smile I know and love!


 And then, it was time for presents!  Kyle booked me a full body massage for the next day, and Lane picked out his own presents, as usual.  I was thrilled to receive..........

A first aid kit and a purple hanging flower pot!  Haha!  

He was pretty darn proud of these presents.  He told Kyle he needed to get me my own doctor's kit, so that when he played doctor I would have one too.  Thoughtful, huh?  Gotta love his practicality!  He was set on getting me some PURPLE flowers, and he saw these as they were walking into the store to get the first aid kit.  Purple flowers- check!

He even asked the ladies that were working "Where are your doctor's kits?"  

At the end of the night, Kori posted this picture on Facebook.  So cute!

And because Scouty hasn't had much screen time on the blog lately, here she is all relaxed in our new bedding that night.

It was a happy, happy birthday!

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