Much more Halloween fun to come...But for now, here is a quick post to wish you a Happy Halloween from Sir Lane and his fire breathing dragon, Scout!
Thursday, October 31, 2013
Sunday, October 27, 2013
Pajama Day & Show and Tell
A couple of weeks ago, Lane's school had pajama day to go along with their day/night unit. They got to bring a flashlight and learned all about darkness and light. He was very proud to wear his new Longhorn pi's that Mums got him.
That same day was their first "Show and Tell" day. From now on, every Thursday is Show and Tell, and each day will be a different letter of the alphabet. They started with letter A, so Lane chose to take his ambulance toy. He practiced telling us about it just like he would tell his friends at school. The night before he said "This is an ambulance. It starts with the letter A. My Uncle Mitch drives an ambulance because he's a paramedic. But he also drives a red pickup truck."
I picked him up from school early that day and they were just about to start Show and Tell, so the teachers let me stay to watch Lane! It was a little chaotic because he was the first to go and it was rushed, but he was so cute. If you listen carefully you can hear him say "Mitch drives an ambulance cause he's a paramedic."
It should be fun coming up with items for Lane to take for the rest of the alphabet!
While on the subject of school, here is Lane's school picture this year. I am glad he smiled but something about it doesn't really look like him to me. Maybe his eyes or something?? Still handsome, though!
Fall Visitors
The weekend of October 19, 2013, Kyle went out of town to New Orleans with his 3 best friends for a golf trip. My mom, Kori, Mitch, and my Aunt Kathy all came to keep me company for the weekend and to see Lane play T-ball. They got in on Thursday the 17th and stayed until Saturday the 19th.
We did a little shopping and went out to eat.
Lane played outside while Kori and I watched him. He was a running fool!
He also enjoyed riding his bike...with his baseball helmet for safety!
I was glad to get to see this little cutie! She got comfy in Lane's old high chair and was much happier this trip than her last visit to our house.
We took the kids to a church pumpkin patch near our house so I could re-try to get some good pictures of Evin smiling in the pumpkins! She still wasn't super happy, but we got some cute smirks and a couple grins!
This wild man barely sat still for a picture and required lots of bribing.
Beware of little monsters!
The Armstrong Family! Poor Mitch has been having horrible stomach pains for a couple weeks now, but was a trooper and came along with us!
Pretty mama and her baby girl!
We took a couple more pictures on my porch with the pumpkins I bought at the patch. I love her pretty blue eyes!
On Saturday morning, everyone came to watch Lane's T-Ball game. It was in the low 50's with a chilly wind, so we all had to bundle up! Evin borrowed a photography prop hat I had and she looked so cute!
Our little show-off decided to act silly while his guests were here watching. He was really giggly and ran to center field instead of first base on one of his hits. Then, turned around with a huge smile. Naughty boy!
One of his little girl teammates took a liking to him this game and would not leave him alone. (Not that he was innocent or anything.) He joined right in the tickling, chasing, and giggling she was offering up!
Mommy giving Lane a "pep-talk." AKA: Telling him to stop playing around and focus!!
His one good play! He scooped up a grounder and threw it to first...and it actually made it to the first baseman! In his league this doesn't happen very often. 3 year olds are a little unpredictable!
Lane's fan club!!
This was my favorite picture of the weekend! Evin got to sport her pink boots and skinny jeans. Look at her precious smile!!
We all went to lunch one last time before everyone left. Lane is OBSESSED with Panera, so we went there to please him. Then, we snapped some pictures before our guests headed back home!
Evin and Aunt Kathy
Lane with Mitch and Kori
Lane and Uncle Mitch posing with the ambulance he took to show and tell at school that week. He is proud of his paramedic uncle!
Lane and his ladies!
Saturday, October 26, 2013
Busy Weekend
Kyle had a work event for ACL one Thursday night a few weeks ago and Lane and I decided to go out for a date. I had a groupon for Johnny Carinos, so we enjoyed some pasta and gelato!
Lane convinced me to sleep in our bed that night and stole Kyle's spot AND his hat. He's the cutest! Kyle came home to an extra guest in bed with us!
That Friday we decided to take Lane to the Vampire Weekend concert at Austin City Limits. Kyle's company sponsors one of the stages, so he had special passes with free food and drinks and access to a tent. Lane loves a few of Vampire Weekend's songs, so we knew he would enjoy the concert.
We hung back away from the crowds and Lane had a great time running around, dancing, and playing his air guitar and drums!
He enjoyed 2 free popsicles and left there a sticky mess!
Saturday morning was T-Ball picture day! Look at those cute little Rangers!
I took a few shots of Lane with my camera as the professional photog did his.
After pictures, it was game time! Lane played really well this week!
He had some really good hits!
Here was the best one:
Our boy needs to beef up those legs!!
Right after the game, we headed to DFW so Kyle and I could go to Brittany & Collin's going away party. We had a good time visiting with friends and getting out without a kiddo in tow! I can't believe they will be living in Australia in a week!
We stayed at Kyle's parents that night, and headed back to Austin that next morning. A busy, busy weekend indeed!